4 Step 4 – Define Harvest Control Rules
How should FMCs be adjusted according to the performance indicators of the fishery?
Harvest Control Rules (HCRs) will be used to adjust FMCs according to where the fishery’s performance indicators fall relative to their reference points. The HCR may specify some combination of adjustments to the FMCs that is expected to move the performance indicator towards the target reference point, and away from the limit reference point, therefore improving the performance of the fishery. While we provide guidance to define HCRs, it should be noted that HCRs should be based on realistic compliance and enforcement concerns and address community goals for your fishery (more guidance is provided in Step 4b).
It is important for stakeholders and managers to agree on the suite of HCRs in a safe and neutral setting before any management decisions need to be made. This can help improve compliance by ensuring management responses are objective, consistent, transparent, and appropriate. Therefore, it is important to identify all foreseeable possible scenarios that could occur in the fishery and create corresponding HCRs for each scenario.
4.1 Step 4a – Define General Harvest Control Rules for All Possible Interpretations
During this step, you will define general harvest control rules (for example, if the performance indicator is below the target reference point, reduce the total allowable catch). In the following step, you will add specificity to your harvest control rules (for example, if the performance indicator is 20% below the target reference point, reduce the total allowable catch by 20%). It is important that you define a HCR for every foreseeable interpretation so that management responses can be transparent and objective when the time comes to implement them.
Use Tabls 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 as the framework for defining your general HCRs. The three tables contain the performance indicators that are associated with each tier and suggest HCRs from the literature. For each performance indicator and assessment result, the table lists a number of potential interpretations and corresponding HCRs. This table provides some examples, but is by no means comprehensive or prescriptive – it is illustrative only.
Each row also has a traffic light indicator that describes if a management response is necessary:
Green indicates that either no management response is necessary, or management could be even less restrictive.
Yellow indicates that a precautionary or more restrictive management response should be implemented.
Red indicates that the fishery should be closed and a fishery recovery plan implemented.
4.2 Step 4b – Add Specificity to Harvest Control Rules
During this step, you will add specificity to your HCRs (for example, if the performance indicator is 20% below the target reference point, reduce the total allowable catch by 20%). Be as specific as possible when defining the magnitude to which FMCs should be adjusted given the fishery’s performance indicator.
The magnitude that a HCR should adjust your FMC(s) will depend on:
Productivity (life history) of the target species
Productivity of key target species is an output of the FLAGS toolkit. This information may either come from a PSA result or a more data-limited qualitative approach for assessing species productivity.
Species with low productivity will require higher, more restrictive levels of response when changes are necessary; species with higher productivity will require lower levels of response when changes are necessary
Likelihood of compliance
Social and political feasibility
Enforcement capacity
Level of uncertainty with data and the estimation of performance indicators,
- The more uncertain you are, the more precautionary you may want to make your management
Risk tolerance.
- Communities with higher risk tolerance may choose to be more lenient when choosing HCRs, while communities with lower risk tolerance may choose more restrictive HCRs to be more precautionary in the face of changing and uncertain conditions.
You should consult any existing social survey data when setting HCRs. KAP data will provide an indication as to individual attitudes towards fishery management in your community. Social survey data will provide context as to how dependent the community is on the fishery and how changes in fisheries management controls may affect their livelihoods. Additionally, any existing enforcement data should be consulted to gain a better sense for the likelihood of compliance with any new regulations.
You should also consider the size of any NTZ when setting HCRs. Sites with a small NTZ relative to the size of the fishery may wish the exercise more precaution by setting more restrictive HCRs (i.e., if indicators are interpreted to mean poor fisheries performance, make more drastic adjustments to the FMCs). Sites with an NTZ that is not placed explicitly in areas that protect critical habitat may also wish to exercise more precaution with stricter HCRs. Sites with larger NTZs that protect a significant portion of critical habitat could be more lenient in their HCRs. Often, large and well-placed NTZs can act as a buffer against uncertainty and variability. By completely restricting access to a certain portion of the stock, marine reserves are analogous to an emergency savings account. Protecting a fraction of a fish stock in reserves reduces the risk of overfishing and the chance of stock collapse in the long term. Displaced fishing effort and unintended consequences resulting after implementation of a reserve can be mitigated when effective FMCs are in place outside of the reserve. When harvest levels are appropriately controlled a spillover of biomass from marine reserves to the adjacent fishery may occur that can benefit fisheries.
Performan ce Indicator | Assessmen t Result | Interpret ation | Result | Managemen t Response |
Fishing Gear |
Destructive fishing practices being used |
Non-destruc tive fishing practices are no longer able to efficiently catch fish and/or destructive fishing practices have not yet been banned |
Yellow |
No destructive fishing practices being used |
Non-destruc tive fishing practices are able to efficiently catch fish and/or destructive fishing practices have been banned |
Green |
Fishing Season |
Increased variability in fishing season, or decreased fishing season |
Ecosystem likely not healthy enough to support historical fishing season |
Yellow |
No changes in the fishing season |
Ecosystem may be healthy enough to support historical fishing season |
Green |
Target Species Composition |
Change in composition of caught species (fewer species, more pelagics) |
Ecosystem likely not healthy enough to support historical target species |
Yellow |
No change in composition of caught species |
Ecosystem may be healthy enough to support historical target species |
Green |
Species Vulnerabili ty |
Target species have high vulnerabili ty |
Target species have high susceptibil ity and/or low productivit y |
Yellow |
Target species have medium vulnerabili ty |
Target species have medium susceptibil ity medium productivit y |
Yellow |
Target species have low vulnerabili ty |
Target species have low susceptibil ity and/or high productivit y |
Green |
Fished:unfi shed density ratio (for key target species) |
Indicator >= Target |
Fishing pressure appropriate for maintaining or improving the health of the ecosystem |
Green |
Unfished area has a low density and does not represent a healthy virgin area (significan t illegal fishing is occurring within the NTZ) |
Yellow |
Unfished area has a low density and does not represent a healthy virgin area (NTZ is new and has not yet led to substantial improvement s in ecosystem health) |
Yellow |
Unfished area has a low density and does not represent a healthy virgin area (NTZ is small with large amounts of species movement between fished and unfished areas) |
Yellow |
Target > Indicator > Limit |
High fishing pressure putting ecosystem at risk for impending state change |
Yellow |
Environment al stochastici ty putting ecosystem at risk for impending state change |
Yellow |
Unfished area has a low density and does not represent a healthy virgin area (significan t illegal fishing is occurring within the NTZ) |
Yellow |
Unfished area has a low density and does not represent a healthy virgin area (NTZ is new and has not yet led to substantial improvement s in ecosystem health) |
Yellow |
Unfished area has a low density and does not represent a healthy virgin area (NTZ is small with large amounts of species movement between fished and unfished areas) |
Yellow |
Limit >= Indicator |
High fishing pressure has caused an ecosystem state change; fishery in danger of collapse |
Red |
Extreme environment al stochastici ty has caused an ecosystem state change; fishery in danger of collapse |
Red |
Coral Reef Thresholds (aggregated across species) |
Unfished biomass Indicator >= Target And fished:unfi shed biomass ratio >= Target |
Fishing pressure appropriate for maintaining or improving the health of the ecosystem |
Green |
Unfished area has a low biomass and does not represent a healthy virgin area (significan t illegal fishing is occurring within the NTZ) |
Yellow |
Unfished area has a low biomass and does not represent a healthy virgin area (NTZ is new and has not yet led to substantial improvement s in ecosystem health) |
Yellow |
Unfished area has a low biomass and does not represent a healthy virgin area (NTZ is small with large amounts of species movement between fished and unfished areas) |
Yellow |
Unfished area does not have comparable habitat to fished area (unfished area habitat not as healthy as fished area) |
Yellow |
Limit <= Unfished biomass Indicator <= Target And Limit <= fished:unfi shed biomass ratio <= Target |
High fishing pressure putting ecosystem at risk for impending state change |
Yellow |
Environment al stochastici ty putting ecosystem at risk for impending state change |
Yellow |
Unfished area has a low density and does not represent a healthy virgin area (significan t illegal fishing is occurring within the NTZ) |
Yellow |
Unfished area has a low density and does not represent a healthy virgin area (NTZ is new and has not yet led to substantial improvement s in ecosystem health) |
Yellow |
Unfished area has a low density and does not represent a healthy virgin area (NTZ is small with large amounts of species movement between fished and unfished areas) |
Yellow |
Unfished area does not have comparable habitat to fished area (unfished area habitat not as healthy as fished area) |
Yellow |
Limit >= Unfished biomass Indicator Or Limit >= fished:unfi shed biomass ratio |
High fishing pressure has caused an ecosystem state change; fishery in danger of collapse |
Red |
Extreme environment al stochastici ty has caused an ecosystem state change; fishery in danger of collapse |
Red |
Performan ce Indicator | Assessmen t Result | Interpret ation | Result | Managemen t Response |
Fishing Mortality (F) |
Indicator >= Limit |
High fishing pressure negatively affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass; fishery in danger of collapse |
Red |
Extreme environment al stochastici ty negatively affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass; fishery in danger of collapse |
Red |
Limit > Indicator > Target |
High fishing pressure affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass |
Yellow |
Fishers targeting nursery grounds |
Yellow |
Gear shift towards less selective gear (more small individuals in catch) |
Yellow |
Strong recruitment pulse (more small individuals entering the catch) |
Green |
Market selectivity for smaller individuals |
Yellow |
Emigration of large individuals from fishing area |
Green |
Environment al stochastici ty affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass |
Yellow |
Target >= Indicator |
Fishing pressure appropriate for maintaining or improving size structure of population |
Green |
Gear shift towards more selective gear (fewer small individuals in catch) |
Green |
Market selectivity for larger individuals |
Yellow |
Weak recruitment pulse (fewer small individuals entering the catch) |
Yellow |
Immigration of large individuals to fishing area |
Green |
Average Length |
Indicator <= Limit |
High fishing pressure negatively affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass; fishery in danger of collapse |
Red |
Extreme environment al stochastici ty negatively affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass; fishery in danger of collapse |
Red |
Limit < Indicator < Target |
High fishing pressure affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass |
Yellow |
Fishers targeting nursery grounds |
Yellow |
Gear shift towards less selective gear (more small individuals in catch) |
Yellow |
Strong recruitment pulse (more small individuals entering the catch) |
Green |
Market selectivity for smaller individuals |
Yellow |
Emigration of large individuals from fishing area |
Green |
Environment al stochastici ty affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass |
Yellow |
Target <= Indicator |
Fishing pressure appropriate for maintaining or improving size structure of population |
Green |
Gear shift towards more selective gear (fewer small individuals in catch) |
Green |
Market selectivity for larger individuals |
Yellow |
Weak recruitment pulse (fewer small individuals entering the catch) |
Yellow |
Immigration of large individuals to fishing area |
Green |
Spawning Potential Ratio |
Indicator <= Limit |
High fishing pressure affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass; fishery in danger of collapse |
Red |
Extreme environment al stochastici ty affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass; fishery in danger of collapse |
Red |
Limit > Indicator < Target |
High fishing pressure affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass |
Yellow |
Fishers targeting nursery grounds |
Yellow |
Gear shift towards less selective gear (more small individuals in catch) |
Yellow |
Strong recruitment pulse (more small individuals entering the catch) |
Green |
Market selectivity for smaller individuals |
Yellow |
Emigration of large individuals from fishing area |
Green |
Environment al stochastici ty affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass |
Yellow |
Target <= Indicator |
Fishing pressure appropriate for maintaining or improving size structure of population and spawning stock biomass |
Green |
Gear shift towards more selective gear (fewer small individuals in catch) |
Green |
Market selectivity for larger individuals |
Yellow |
Weak recruitment pulse (fewer small individuals entering the catch) |
Yellow |
Immigration of large individuals to fishing area |
Green |
Froese Indicators |
All Indicators at or better than Target (Lopt=100%, Lmat>90% , Lmega<30 %) |
Fishing pressure appropriate for maintaining or improving size structure of population and spawning stock biomass |
Green |
Gear shift towards more or less selective gear |
Yellow |
Change in recruitment |
Yellow |
Change in spatial distributio n of stock |
Yellow |
Target > Lopt > Limit And/or Target > Lmat > Limit |
Market selectivity for smaller individuals |
Yellow |
High fishing pressure affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass |
Yellow |
Fishers targeting nursery grounds |
Yellow |
Strong recruitment pulse (more small individuals entering the catch) |
Green |
Emigration of large individuals from fishing area |
Green |
Environment al stochastici ty affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass |
Yellow |
Limit > Lmega > Target |
Market selectivity for larger individuals |
Yellow |
High fishing pressure affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass |
Yellow |
Weak recruitment pulse (fewer small individuals entering the catch) |
Yellow |
Immigration of large individuals to fishing area |
Green |
Lopt < Limit (Lopt<80 %) |
High fishing pressure affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass; fishery in danger of collapse |
Red |
Lmat < Limit (Lmat<50 %) |
High fishing pressure affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass; fishery in danger of collapse |
Red |
Lmega < Limit (Lmega < 20%) |
High fishing pressure affecting size structure and spawning stock biomass; fishery in danger of collapse |
Red |
Performan ce Indicator | Assessmen t Result | Interpret ation | Result | Managemen t Response |
Indicator >= Target |
Fishing pressure appropriate for maintaining or improving spawning stock biomass |
Green |
Change to more efficient gear type |
Yellow |
Serial depletion (fishers have moved from depleted fishing grounds to less depleted fishing grounds, such as offshore areas) |
Yellow |
Misreportin g of effort; reported effort too low |
Yellow |
Fishing of spawning aggregation s / hyperstabil ity |
Yellow |
Target > Indicator > Limit |
Environment al stochastici ty negatively affecting spawning stock biomass |
Yellow |
Change to less efficient gear type |
Green |
Misreportin g of effort; reported effort too high |
Yellow |
High fishing pressure negatively affecting spawning stock biomass |
Yellow |
Limit >= Indicator |
High fishing pressure negatively affecting spawning stock biomass; fishery in danger of collapse |
Red |
Previous Year’s Total Landings |
Indicator >= Target |
Fishing pressure appropriate for maintaining or improving spawning stock biomass |
Green |
Fishing effort increased last year |
Yellow |
Misreportin g of landings; reported catch too high |
Yellow |
Target > Indicator > Limit |
High fishing pressure negatively affecting spawning stock biomass |
Yellow |
Fishing effort decreased last year |
Green |
Misreportin g of landings; reported catch too low |
Yellow |
Limit >= Indicator |
High fishing pressure negatively affecting spawning stock biomass; fishery in danger of collapse |
Red |