2 Installation

Though R/RStudio may seem intimidating, it is actually quite straight forward to set up and, after learning a few basics, you can start running analyses and writing your own in no time. The objective of this guide is to provide an introduction to R/RStudio basics so that interested resource managers without programming experience can start leveraging R for their management decisions.

R and RStudio are separate programs and that need to be installed and updated individually. If you do not keep both relatively up-to-date you will likely run into problems.

2.1 R

To install R, go to the R webpage and follow the link to your operating system of choice (Linux, Max OS X, Windows). Then, click on the most recent .pkg file to download it. Follow the instructions to complete the installation process.

2.2 RStudio

After installing R, visit the RStudio Products site and click the DOWNLOAD RSTUDIO DESKTOP button located partway down the page.

Next, scroll to the bottom and click on the link under Installers that again corresponds to your operating system of choice.

Save the file on your desktop. Once it finishes downloading, open the file and follow the instructions to complete the installation process. You may then delete the file.

Congratulations! You successfully completed the installation process and are one step closer to using R and RStudio for analysis!

2.3 Helpful Resources