
Welcome to the Adaptive Fisheries Assessment and Management (AFAM) Toolkit Guidance Document!

We’ve tried to make using the AFAM Toolkit Guidance Document simple and intuitive. This document is meant to be accompanied by the AFAM Toolkit Dashboard, which will help you work through each step and perform the appropriate assessment methods for your fishery.

This toolkit was developed by the Fish Forever partnership, but can hopefully serve the broader fisheries management and marine conservation community. Please contact Gavin McDonald with any questions, comments, or feedback (gmcdonald@bren.ucsb.edu).

The methedology used in this toolkit has been published in McDonald et al., 2018. An adaptive assessment and management toolkit for data-limited fisheries. Ocean and Coastal Management, 152 (2018), pp. 100-119. When using the toolkit, please cite this paper.

We have also prepared resources that can be used to help learn the toolkit or train it to others. You can find presentation PDFs here, and video recordings of these presentations here